1 cup all-purpose flour ½ cup water


If using a plastic container, be sure it is very clean and free of residue.

Saving starter for later

To preserve your starter for a longer period of time, try drying it 1. First, fee your started as though you were going to bake with it. If it has been stored in the fridge, take it out and feed with equal parts unbleached all-purpose flour and lukewarm water. Let it rest, covered, until it becomes very bubbly. 2. Next, spread starter out onto two parchment lined baking sheets. Allow to dry at room temperature until completely dry (this will take 1 to 5 days depending on weather and location). Starter will be brittle when completely dry and will easily snap between your fingers. If you have a scale, weigh the dry starter, it should be about half the weight it was before drying. 3. Break the starter into pieces and store in an airtight container. Date and label the container and keep in a cool dark place. Bringing the started back to life: 4. Measure out 1 oz, about ¼ to 1/3 cup into a large container at least 1 pint in size. Add 2 ounces (1/4 cup) of lukewarm water, just to cover the starter chips. It will take up to 3 hours with occasional stirring to dissolve the chips. 5. Once the mixture is smooth, feed it with 1 ounce (1/4 cup) of unbleached all-purpose flour. Cover lightly and place somewhere warm and allow to work for up to 24 hours. Starter should be bubbly. 6. Without discarding any, feed the starter again with 1 ounce each of lukewarm water and flour. Cover and return to its warm spot until you see some serious bubbling (this could take up to 8 hours). 7. Feed the started again with 1-ounce water and flour, cover and allow to rest up to 12 hours, until tiny bubbles form and starter expands. 8. Starter is now ready to return to its regular feeding schedule. Discard all but 4 ounces (1/2 cup) and feed remaining starter with 4 ounces each lukewarm water and flour. This time the starter will expand quickly, about 4 hours or less. Your is ready for baking! Feed it again by repeating step 8.